As one of a select few builders in Sydney that offer their services in project management, Pink Boots Custom Builders & Renovators is uniquely qualified to work as a trusted advisor and quality construction expert in the building of new homes or renovations. Pink Boots Project Management functions as the construction executive for the building process representing the owner.
Pink Boots Project Management offers services to clients in need of exceptional supervision in home construction and renovations. Our service agreement approach allows our clients the flexibility to manage a project as they require and still maintain control over the direction of the construction activities.
We are the catalyst in the team building process orchestrating the architect, engineer, interior decorator, council approval process and tradespeople in the interest of the owner. This service discipline is more of a trusted adviser role than the typical builder in the construction process. As the project manager, we keep the owner informed of project progress and developments. One of our key responsibilities is to plan for upcoming matters that require the owners’ decisions in the interest of expediting the project schedule.
The project manager’s obligation is to represent the owner’s interest in all affairs associated with a new home construction or renovations of specified property. This is accomplished by our construction services team by facilitating a defined strategic project direction and providing organization to the overall building process. The owner maintains financial control for the cost of construction, pays all trades and material invoices directly and relies on the Pink Boots Project Management team to assure work is in compliance with the drawings, specifications and applicable building codes. The owner also relies on this experienced advice pertaining to constructability concerns, product service reliability and the general business matters of the project.
The distinctive difference between a project manager and a builder is the distribution of payments, administration of supplier and the subcontractors’ documents. Pink Boots Project Management’s responsibilities typically include all aspects of a construction project except the payments which are directly done by the owners. Project management fees are negotiated prior to construction and it is usually a fixed lump sum fee or a percentage of the project budget.
Our project management services were created for distinctive clients who might require a higher standard of quality control in the new home construction or renovation process that they are not confident in receiving from a builder. In addition, this service assists those clients who would prefer to be hands on (owner builders) in designing and building their home. This service supports the lack of a full technical ability and administers the mass amount of documentation, compliance and day-to-day challenges of a new home construction or a renovation project.
Pink Boots Project Management Process
As the trusted advisor to the owners, we are required to participate in all relevant activities of the project requirements. From design through construction to completion, we are supporting and serving at the bequest of the owner.
Pink Boots Project Management Pre-Construction Consulting:
Providing facilitation and guidance in the selection of an architect, interior designer, structural engineer and landscape architect,
Assistance with the building site selection process, if required
Research on the feasibility, local council requirements and building restrictions that may apply,
Facilitating and guiding the conceptual plan development process, including interior and exterior design features,
Providing conceptual financial budget development for drawings
Procurement of all necessary required permits and approvals
Subcontractor administration
Scope of Works (SOW) development
Inviting sub-contractors to tender
Insurance administration
Construction schedule administration
Development of long-term critical path
Identify material and product selection for long lead time items
Develop interior decorator selection blocks as components of critical path
Budget Administration
Conceptual Budget Developing
Budget Reports (Budget vs Actual)
Cash Flow Forecasting
A/R & A/P Tasks:
Bank draw application & payment approval
Preconstruction consulting
Project team selection process
Interior design development
Conceptual plan review
Landscape/hardscape development
Conceptual budget development
Building approval facilitating
Project meetings
Master scheduling activities
Anticipating design/construction conflicts
Conflict resolution
Quality control systems
Post Construction Services
Final Council inspection
Final walk through
Service and warranty programs
Occupation Certificate documentation and application
Final progress payment processing
Connections of utilities
Maintenance management
Project Management Advantages
Project is shared by Project Manager, Design Team and Owner
Provides services that complement and enhance the services of the Architect or Builder
Early establishment of budget
Early establishment of Subcontractors’ pricing
Opportunity to receive tenders from multiple subcontractors
Opportunity to assess and accept the best subcontractor’s quote
Benefiting from Pink Boots Custom Builders’ bulk buying discounts
Design follows the established budget
Less Time – Early Occupancy of facility for improved operating cash flow
Health and safety control on site
Less Time – Substantial reduction of interim costs
Great savings compared to using a traditional builder
More innovative solutions
Greater control
Greater team approach
More experience
Highest level of quality
Substantial savings as a result of fewer changes during construction